Registered Architect, NSW + ACT - ACT No. 2232, NSW No. 7838
Bachelor of Science Architecture (Hons), Sydney University
Bachelor of Architecture, Sydney University
Fellow, Australian Institute of Architects (RAIA)
Business and Practice of Architecture 1, University of Newcastle 2003
Certificate IV in Business (Small Business Management) 2002
Architectural Professional Practitioner Award, Australian Institute of Architects ACT Chapter 2020
Emerging Architect Prize, Australian Institute of Architects, ACT, 2010
Nathan Judd is an award winning architect with extensive experience working on large scale residential and mixed use commercial projects as well as selected private houses. Since founding the practice in 2007 he has developed a solid reputation for excellence in design and an innovative approach to multi-residential and mixed use buildings.
Nathan brings a contemporary design focus and a fresh eye to each project to exceed his clients’ brief and aspirations and to deliver high quality design at affordable commercial rates. His architecture is at the cutting edge of Canberra’s apartment and townhouse market and includes innovative micro-unit and ‘cold shell’ apartment typologies.
A Fellow of the Institute of Architects, Nathan has tutored in design at the University of Canberra and lectured at the Canberra Institute of Technology (Advanced Diploma of Building Design). His work has been published in professional journals and many popular design magazines. He is an active participant in his profession, co organisor of the Contemporary Australian Architects speakers series held each year at the National Gallery of Australia and is dedicated to promoting the value of good design.
Nathan's first book, A Canberra Architect was released last year and surveys the work of eminent Canberra Architect Roger Pegrum
In 2020 Nathan was the recipient of the Australian Institute of Architects ACT Chapter Architectural Professional Practitioner Award.